Semen Lomasov – 2018 Moscow Open Men’s Cup of Russia Winner
International master Semen Lomasov with a brilliant result – 8 of 9 points – celebrates victory of the 2018 Moscow Open Men’s Cup of Russia. Before the last round a 15-year old chess player was half a point ahead of his chasers, and he managed to win over FIDE master Maksim Samusenko (Tatarstan) in the last game, it provided him with the first place.
Tamir Nabaty (Israel) with half a point less is a silver medalist. In his last game he won over international master Vladimir Zakhartsov (Moscow).
International master Maksim Vavulin, FIDE master Nikita Afanasiev (both from Moscow) and grandmaster Artyom Timofeev (Kazan) shared the third place. Vavulin wins a bronze medal due to tie-breaks.
It should be marked that 220 chess players from 29 countries of the world took part in the tournament.