International RSSU Chess Cup

Moscow Open 2018

Russian Chess Cup 2018 Stage

January 25 – February 5

Moscow Open 2016 on Facebook






















Alexander Zlochevsky: Everybody Called Me from Everywhere

February 3, 2018
Alexander Zlochevsky: Everybody Called Me from Everywhere

Every year the Head Coach of the selected teams of Moscow grandmaster Alexander Zlochevsky closely follows the performance of leading chess players from Moscow in the RSSU Moscow Open Cup. Besides, Alexander Borisovich was a Director Executive of this tournament for several years. We couldn’t lose a chance and asked him several questions.

- Alexander Borisovich, you were one of the creators of the Moscow Open. What were the goals of this tournament initially?

- It was a lack of major chess tournaments in Moscow. And at that time in 2004 the idea to create a tournament for chess players from Moscow appeared. The chess body of the city – Sergey Smagin, Alexander Kostiev, Igor Glek and me – discussed: how to organize this complicated event? It turned out that I received the main part of the obligations and I ran the tournament as a Director Executive. First of all, I invented the name – the Moscow Open. Though there were disputes as not everybody supported the idea of the tournament in name in English. However, in further it was justified as the tournament obtained a status of an international tournament and today players of more than 40 countries of the world take part in it. The main matter was connected with the place of the tournament. And suddenly we decided to use the RSSU for this purpose. Later the university provided and continues to provide invaluable help.  

Of course it wasn’t easy at the beginning. I did everything I could: was in correspondence with famous grandmasters, was responsible for the accommodation of participants in hotels, was in charge of visa support, purchasing tables and chess equipment, invited the VIP guests, was responsible for the organization of the Ceremonies Opening and Closing. Those days my phone died in the middle of the day – everybody called from everywhere.

In 2006 the Management of sports and entertainment events of Moscow became a co-organizer of the tournament. I felt huge relief. It was so much easier with such a support. The organization was responsible for most part of technical issues. I was engaged with the wordk with chess players, tried to get strong players.

From a year to year the festival was growing, we arranged separate tournaments for students, veterans, amateurs, tournaments for solving chess problems, referee clinics and a so many other events.

- Today around 2 000 people play in the tournament, and there are many participants from Moscow. Do you follow their performance?

- Of course! First of all, I follow my players from the Krylatskoe sports center, and also closely follow other candidates to the selected team of Moscow, first of all, young chess players representing the city.

- It would be honest to say that the tournament provides young players with start in life.

- It’s very important that big number of kids is taking part in the competition. They are our future! In course of the competition they have a unique chance to stay close and watch the games of leading grandmasters. And the best of them can meet grandmasters at the board. Besides, women can play in the men’s event, if they wish so. This tournament is really unique due to many categories and availability due to small entrance fees and a significant prize fund. FIDE acknowledges it and FIDE President Kirsan Iluymzhinov is a constant guest of the festival.

It should be marked that we feel lack of such tournaments in Russia. We need to create several similar competitions in other regions of Russia. Players from Moscow can also play there.

- Does the tournament help to select players to the team of Moscow?

- Yes, of course. Though many candidates to the team played in other tournaments at the same time, in Gibraltar and Wijk aan Zee.

- What’s going on in the teams of Moscow now? Who supports the teams?

- Our sponsor the Legacy Square Capital provides serious support. We also receive significant support from the Moscow sports committee. In the nearest future our team will play in the Championship of Russia in team event in Sochi. Unfortunately, our budget doesn’t allow to attract leading grandmasters now – Sergey Karyakin, Yan Nepomnyashchiy, Alexander Grishchuk, Vladimir Malakhov. This issue demands to be solved. In any case, our teams always struggle for medals and show deserved results. I hope this year we will justify hopes again.

- How do you evaluate the chances of Sergey Karyakin in the Candidates Tournament?

- Of course, I always cheer for Sergey and believe he can win! He also represents the Krylatskoe, and all our staff worries about him. Recently Sergey played well in Wijk aan Zee – no losses, won over Vladimir Kramnik and Fabiano Caruana. They will also play in the Candidates Tournament in March. In my opinion, if he continues in the same way, he will win.

- Thank you for the conversation!

Questions were asked by Eldar Mukhametov and Alina Bivol.